colinux$ ximapd --help usage: ximapd action [options]
options: --config-file=FILE path to .ximapd --port=PORT port --user=USER user --password=PASSWORD password --data-dir=DIR data directory --plugin-path=PATH path for plugins --db-type=TYPE database type (yaml, pstore) --max-clients=CLIENTS max number of clients --[no-]ssl use SSL --ssl-port=PORT port for IMAPS --ssl-key=KEY path to SSL private key --ssl-cert=CERT path to SSL certificate --[no-]starttls use STARTTLS --[no-]require-secure require secure session for clients --remote-host=HOST host of remote IMAP server --remote-port=PORT port of remote IMAP server --[no-]remote-ssl use SSL for remote IMAP server --remote-auth=AUTH auth type of remote IMAP server --remote-user=USER user of remote IMAP server --remote-password=PASSWORD password of remote IMAP server --exclude=PAT exclude files that match PAT --[no-]import-all import all mails by --import-imap --[no-]import-imap-flags import IMAP flags by --import-imap --[no-]keep keep retrieved mails on the remote server --dest-mailbox=MAILBOX destination mailbox name --ml-header-fields=F1,F2,F3 header fields to handle same as X-ML-Name --[no-]delete-ml-mailboxes delete ml mailboxes before rebuild --default-charset=CHARSET default value for charset --log-level=LEVEL log level (fatal, error, warn, info, debug) --log-shift-age=AGE number of old log files to keep --log-shift-size=SIZE max logfile size --sync-threshold-chars=CHARS number of characters to start index sync --[no-]debug turn on debug mode --[no-]profile turn on profile mode --profiler-clock-mode=MODE profiler clock mode --[no-]verbose turn on verbose mode --[no-]progress show progress --backend=BACKEND search backend (Rast, HyperEstraier)
actions: --start start daemon --stop stop daemon --import import mail --import-via-imap import mail via imap --import-mbox import mbox --import-imap import from another imap server --rebuild-index rebuild index --edit-mailbox-db edit mailbox.db --interactive interactive mode --version print version --help