アップグレードに失敗。zope-2.7.6 plone-2.0.5に戻す前にpython-2.4.3に対応しているzope-2.8.6にチャレンジ。多分、うまくいかないだろう(笑。
ports www/zope28 make install後、www/plone(2.1.2)を流すと、python-2.3.5_1をmakeし始めたのでこだわるなら、buildしかない模様。
ports www/zope28 make install 時のメッセージ
To create an instance of Zope please run make instance You can set the following Variables in /etc/make.conf ZOPEINSTANCEBASE Directory where Zope instance should go (default: /usr/local/www/Zope28) ZOPEINSTANCENAME Default name for a new Zope instance (default: none) If you want have multiple Zope you should run make instance INSTANCENAME=<somename> The Instancefiles created by make instance will not be remove when the port is deinstalled. You'll have to delete them yourself. ** ZEO Instances ** (Optional) ** Please refere to http://zope.org/Products/ZEO/ZEOFactSheet To create a ZEO instance please run make zeo [INSTANCENAME=<somename>] ********************************************************************** ****** ATTENTION ***** ATTENTION ***** ATTENTION ***** ATTENTION ***** The default installation directory for Zope Products has changed from /usr/local/www/Zope28/lib/python/Products to /usr/local/www/Zope28/Products. You might have to add the following lines to your zope.conf products /usr/local/www/Zope28/Products products $INSTANCE/Products